What We Do — The Pando Collective what is this?

Sometimes it feels like the bridge between the church and the culture gets longer and harder to navigate. Our church methods have built an attractional system primarily based on a weekly event. That system is now starting to fail around us as people seek a deeper meaning to their faith. Pando lives out a mission of helping the church, christian leaders, and individuals regain a missional framework and vocabulary in order to have relevance in our society and culture today. We want to help a person or group see themselves as "sent" people of God (John 20:21), joining Him in his mission to redeem the world, and then helping incubate, launch, and coach ongoing missional expressions around the city.


In the last fifty years the church has experienced a position of trended decline across the Western world. It is estimated that the prevailing models of evangelistic churches at their best can reach 40 percent of the American population. But it seems 90 percent of churches and church plants spend the majority of their resources vying for the same 40 percent.

In addition to prevailing trends of the past decades, now COVID is reshaping the ability to gather as larger communities of faith. The growth model of church has shifted from in-person to “online.” So how does the church move forward in the future? We believe this is an opportunity to embrace our dispersed and scattered roots. Just as the early church met across their communities, in homes, small gatherings, and incarnationally in neighborhoods, we see a path forward for churches to embrace their dispersed heritage and expand the Kingdom through a different set of focused values. Pando provides a path forward to disciples people into that reality.


In addition to coaching churches, we identify and empower individuals to launch missional expressions in their context. Whether a house church, missional business, or non-profit that serves the margins, Pando wants to help equip, launch, and network these Kingdom dreams together. If you have a dream, then we want to dream with you!

So a working definition of missional church is a community of God’s people that defines itself, and organizes its life around, its real purpose of being an agent of God’s mission to the world. In other words, the church’s true and authentic organizing principle is mission.
— Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways